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SMM Post (HKwecare) (20).png
  • How much is the fee for this event? 是次活動的收費如何?
    The event is free of charge. You just need to register in advance on this page to attend the event. 是次活動費用全免。你只需要在本頁面預先登記留位,即可參加今次活動。
  • I'm not sure if I have successfully registered, what should I do? 我不肯定是否成功預先登記,怎麼辦?
    Please check your email inbox. If your registration is successful, you will receive a confirmation email from Eventbrite. If you have any questions, please email or call 3651 5104 for inquiries. 若登記成功,您會收到由Eventbrite發出的確認電郵。 如有疑問,請電郵致hongkong.wecare@gmail.com或致電36515104 查詢。
  • How to enter the venue on the day of the event? 活動當天如何進入會場?
    When entering, just show the electronic ticket, no need to print or exchange for physical tickets. Before entering the venue, please open the electronic ticket and adjust the brightness of your phone screen for easy scanning of the QR code. 進場時只需要出示電子門票,毋需打印或換領實體門票。進會場前,請把電話螢光幕調光,方便職員掃瞄電子門票上的二維碼。
  • Can I register on behalf of others? (such as colleagues or friends) 我可以代替其他人一同登記嗎?(例如同事或朋友)
    Yes. You can reserve up to 4 single-day tickets each time. Make sure to clearly fill in the name of each person entering the event so that the organizers can print name tags. Please send the electronic tickets to accompanying audience members. 可以。每次登記最多可以預留4張單日門票,必須清楚填寫每位入場人士的姓名,以便印製名牌。請傳送電子門票給同行觀眾。
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